Time moves fast when your having fun.
I am having fun, Went to an amazing Yoga class last night with my teacher Hari.
What a Joy it was, a GONG meditation. If you have never had a GONG bath, find a yoga center that uses the GONG and GO. I am trying, saving, and dreaming for the GONG to come to my yoga center..... Yesterday I spent the day in the swing Barry gave me reading a wonderful book I HIGHLY RECOMMEND "To Know Your Self" The essential Teachings of Swami Satchidananda, it will enlighten you. I am now starting "Black Elk" The Sacred ways Of the Lakota, Wallace Black Elk. I picked it up at one of my favorite stores in NYC , Stick Stone and Bone on Christopher st. One of the last remaining true places left, as the neighborhood transforms into retail stores and restaurants, The charm of the west village is fading fast, I hope a few wonders will survive.

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