Sunday, June 06, 2010

Looking around and finding balance. Yesterday I was leading a yoga class and we were talking about finding that balance Shunia, the still point and how with that clear mind one is able to manifest a beautiful present. I love the idea of always being in the now, its a challenge but one so worth taking. My selection of images is now becoming a meditation, looking into the work and seeing what, at this moment, comes to the surface. In the early morning the mind is still. It is like waking up and going down to a lake or as I was just in Florida out to the dock on the bay and seeing the stillness. The reflections in the water are so clear that one can truly see what it means to be still. As the day wakes up and the shifts and vibrations stir, the ripples form and that stillness is gone. That perfection of the still reflection is broken by the activity of the day.

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