Going way back all the way to the start with this set of images.
They have a pixeled look because my camera was small. It is the first shoot of the male nude I did in my studio in the east village. I met this model at a bar, he reminded me of some one very dear to my hart and I asked if he would pose for me.
The shoot used the amazing light that came into my room from a south facing window. The studio was small and I shared it with 2 friends, a musician and a designed. It was my first studio outside my home and it still holds an amazing place in my hart. I was not in it for very long, I think about 3 months before I was asked to leave by my studio mates, something about a family member moving to town and needing a place. It was a ground floor apartment, old and funky, on 2nd street between b and c, I think...... Life was a wirl wind for me then, a time of going out to late, drinking to much, and searching for something... I felt like a black cat sneaking around the city at night looking for a place to rest. Its amazing how different things are now from then, and how real the photographs look when I see them now. Its great to visit with them, look back and see what I was seeing, remember what I was feeling and remeber the friends and people of that time that have all now changed.