This is the story of my life as I work away in my studio.
Sunday, May 09, 2010
I was sitting on the subway yesterday and had one of the moments when I really see all the people around me. I could see that each one of them was having an experience so similar to mine yet so much their own. It made me feel so close to the energy of oneness that I talk about in my yoga classes. Saturday has become such an intense day for me. I wake early in the morning to do yoga, then I am off to teach a yoga class. Most often we do a powerful Kriya ( yoga set ) on Saturday. Then I am home, change and off to the city for a massage shift at the gym I work at. My schedule is mostly booked on Saturday with up to 5 clients. It is such a day of concentration and meditation. The more I work with people the finer tuned my reception of their energy is. It is wonderful and strange. The subway ride made me think of the mantra God and me, me and God are one. Yogi Bhajan talks of God as the Generating, Organizing and Destroying forces of the universe. How wonderful to make the word so many people have pre set ideas about into such a pure definition. On the train, I could see that we were all one, that the truth behind all the people all the things around me was God/ Truth must manifest as everything in order to have every experience. In order to know something one must experience it for themselves. So we are all one, I am the same as the person across from me, if I clear all the baggage my mind carries I could see the pure energy of beauty in front of me everywhere.
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